MU-BI and the Micronesian community on the Big Island are planning to host a Micronesian Youth Day to support our youth in 2014. Tentatively set during the Spring Break for public schools on Hawaii Island, the event will bring together our youth from throughout Hawaii Island and other islands for a day of cultural celebrations, forums, workshops, arts and crafts, …
Author: MU-BI
Pacific Islander Heritage Day
MU-BI is co-sponsoring the Pacific Islander Heritage Day on Friday, May 17, 2017, 10:00 am – 3:00 pm at Pu’ukohola Heiau National Historic Site located on Hawaii Island to celebrate the traditional cultures of the Pacific Islands of Samoa, Micronesia, Marshall Islands, Palau, Hawaii and others. The free event will have a variety of hands-on cultural demonstrations and activities including …
College Day for Pacific Islanders in Hawaii
MU-BI has partnered with the Pacific Islander Student Center at University of Hawaii at Hilo to co-sponsor a College Day on Saturday, February 9, 2013 on the UH Hilo campus starting at 9:00 am, ending at 3:30 pm. The conference is aimed at motivating, inspiring, and informing students and parents about college opportunities and resources. While the focus is on …
Pacific Islander Higher Education Conference at UH Hilo
The University of Hawai`i at Hilo hosts a two-day Pacific Islander Higher Education Conference February 8 – 9 at the University’s Campus Center. The event is free and open to the public, but registration is required. Navigating the Success of Pacific Islanders in Higher Education brings together education, community and government leaders along with high school students and their families …
Know Your Employment Rights Workshop – Understand Form I-9
ATTENTION: MICRONESIANS & HISPANIC MIGRANTS FREE Information Workshop on FORM I-9 YOU NEED TO ATTEND THIS VERY IMPORTANT SESSION! KNOW YOUR RIGHTS FOR EMPLOYMENT! Have you ever been turned down for a job because you did not have these documents? Form I-94 and Passport Did you know that this is illegal to do by the Employers? Or were you ever …
How to File Discriminatory Practices
Tim Riera, the director of the Equal Employment Opportunity Council in Honolulu will give a talk to any interested Micronesians on the Big Island about proper ways to file cases of discriminatory practices. Open to the public. When: May 18, 2012 Time: 4:30 – 5:30 PM Where: Church of the Holy Cross, Hilo
A Benefit for Ohana Ho’opakele
MU-BI supports the efforts of Ohana Ho’pakele which is an alternative to prison. Anyone interested can join their upcoming fundraiser. Date: May 26, 2012 Time: 10 am – 5 pm Where: Maku’u Farmers Market Ticket: $10 donation Food: Meat and Vegetarian Stew & Rice (included with ticket) Music provided by: Keli’i “Skippy” Ioane, Kaliko Guys, Diana Aki, Ben Kaili & Friends, …
Micronesian Migrants Survey
Needs Assessment Meeting Announced
FSM Culture Day on Hawai’i

Every year the Federated States of Micronesia celebrates FSM Culture Day with a national holiday celebrated on March 31st in all four states. It’s a day for our people and community to come together and celebrate our cultures and more importantly to teach our young people of the importance of maintaining our cultures and to have great pride in who they are and where they come from. MU-BI would like to extend the FSM Culture Day to our community here on Big Island. Let’s all work together and get our community ready for March 31, 2013 for the first annual FSM Culture Day