
We facilitate or collaborate on research studies to document the experiences of Micronesians in Hawai’i.

Featured Studies

  1. Final Report – Feasibility Study for a Micronesian Culture Based Charter School.pdf by Kaleihoku Kala’i, Natalie Nimmer, ED Noh, Vid Raatior, Jerelyn Watanabe

  2.  Community History Paper: Micronesians in Hawaiʻi  by Meiyi Wong and Jayleen Pharmin University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work

  3. Community Assessment Paper: Micronesians in Hawaiʻi by Meiyi Wong and Jayleen Pharmin University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work

  4. Community Intervention and Evaluation Plan Paper: Micronesians in Hawaiʻi by Meiyi Wong and Jayleen Pharmin University of Hawaiʻi at Mānoa, Myron B. Thompson School of Social Work

  5. Update on Implementation of Board Policy 105-14 Multilingualism for Equitable Education (BY: Hawaii State Board of Education Student Achievement Committee June 7, 2018)

  6. The Case for Justice for Micronesians in Hawai’i by Hawai‘i Appleseed Center for Law and Economic Justice

  7. The “Compact Impact” in Hawai‘i: Focus on Health Care Sheldon Riklon, MD,corresponding author Wilfred Alik, MD, Allen Hixon, MD, and Neal A Palafox, MD, MPH

  8. America’s Real Migrant Crisis Is the One You’ve Never Heard OAn obscure 30-year-old treaty has landed thousands of Micronesians in poverty and homelessness in Hawaii. by AARON WIENER

  9. Next Generation of Micronesians in Hawaiʻi Reclaim The Narrative  • MAR 19, 2018